Summer School in Rome


From the 4th to the 11th of July, 2013 fourteen young scientists and priests from the different regions of Ukraine, as well as Evgen Gnybida, the member of the Research Institute of Urban History, PhD researcher of the department of the history of Ukraine of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, took part in the Summer School in Rome «Patriarch Josyf Slipyi: to the 50th anniversary of the liberation, arrival in Rome and the establishment of the UCU». During the week participants attended the lectures of recognized scientists-historians and theologians as the priest Andrey Mikhaylenko (Eichstätt, Germany), Yuriy Voloshyn (Poltava, Ukraine), Oleg Turiy (Lviv, Ukraine). In particular, Oleg Turiy presented the unique funds of the private library of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptitskyi, the documents days of the national liberation struggle, as well as the materials of the Patriarch Josyf Slipyi, which were collected in the archive of the society «St. Sophia». There also were presentations of the participants’ researches devoted to the life of Patriarch Josyf Slipyi. The Topic of the research of Evgen Gnybida was «The fate of millions through the prism of persons: the realities of political repression in the USSR (based on the materials of oral history) ». In addition, thanks to organizers and the head of a religious society «St. Sophia» priest Ivan Dacko Summer School participants made the excursion to the Abbey of Saint Nilo in Grottaferrata where, after the liberation from the concentration camps of the USSR, the Patriarch Josyf Slipyi spent the first days of his staying in Italy.