Collaborative projects with Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades"Alfonso Vélez Pliego" (Dr. Victoria Pérez), Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Mexico)

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The politics of memory: lived and non lived memories theThird International Symposium of Multidisciplinary Memory Studies (3rd SIMEM)



«Memory, History, Forgetting: New Social Perspectives»


New step in cooperation of BSPU and BUAP


International relations of BSPU: the Masters of Mexican university on the professional and scientific improvement in Berdyansk


Cooperation with BUAP in the weekly newspaper "Education of Ukraine"


Notes from Mexico


"The First International Symposium of Multidisciplinary Memory Studies (Primer Simposio Internacional Multidisciplinario de Estudios sobre la Memoria) (Puebla, Mexico, 22-23/11/ 2012)"


Współpraca naukowa i edukacyjna Berdiańskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego (Ukraina) i Zasłużonego Uniwersytetu Autonomicznego w m. Puebla (Meksyk)


The Fourth International Multidisciplinary Symposium of Memory Studies: Making Peace with the Past: Memory, Testimony and Trauma


«The Fifth International Multidisciplinary Symposium of Memory Studies: MEMORY OF CONFLICTS – CONFLICTS OF MEMORY»


lenguaje y memoria







Lenguaje y memoria








The Sixth International Multidisciplinary Symposium of Memory Studies "Discourses of Memory in the Time of Forgetting"


The Seventh International Multidisciplinary Symposium of Memory Studies: "Gender and (dis)memory"


The Eighth International Multidisciplinary Symposium of Memory Studies (8th SIMEM): "Collective Memory and Emotions" 


The Ninth International Multidisciplinary Symposium of Memory Studies (9th SIMEM): "Think the Past to Imagine the Future"


The Tenth International Multidisciplinary Symposium of Memory Studies (10th SIMEM): "Memory of Genocides / Genocides of Memory"