The Research Institute of Urban History is among the co-organizers of the "Eleventh Novitskiy Readings"
On October 22, 2020, the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Eleventh Novitskiy Readings" was held, co-organized by Zaporizhzhya Scientific Society named after Yakov Novitskiy, Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, National Reserve «Khortytsia», Zaporizhzhya National University, Research Institute of Urban History, Research Institute of Monument Protection Research, Research Institute of the Cossacks of NASU Institute of History of Ukraine, Centre of Monuments Research of the NAS of Ukraine, Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, M. S. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies of NASU.
The moderator of Berdyansk readings section, which was formed of teachers and students of BSPU, was Professor Igor Lyman. He made a report "Project" What is your history?": Results in Berdyansk" which highlighted the main achievements of Berdyansk team during a six-month project of Zaporizhzhya Scientific Society named after Yakov Novitskiy, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The tradition of holding “Novitskiy Readings” was started 18 years ago - it was in October, 2002, when first readings took place. Until 2010, Professor Anatoliy Boyko remained their ideological inspirator. Institutionally, the "father" of readings was and remains Zaporizhzhya Scientific Society named after Yakov Novitskiy. Sergiy Bilivnenko has been the chairman of its board since 2011 and Igor Lyman has been the head of Berdyansk regional branch since the society was founded (1997).
It is significant that this month, on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Zaporizhzhya, a mural was created by a New York artist in the regional center, the central image of which was Yakov Novitskiy. The same image as on the mural is placed on the postage stamp and other anniversary products.