The Consulate General of Germany presented in Mariupol a monograph of researchers of the Institute of Urban History


On December 6, 2018, the Consulate General of Germany in Donetsk / Dnipro office presented at the Mariupol State University ( the monograph of professors Igor Lyman and Victoria Konstantinova "German Consuls in the Northern Azov Region" (Лиман Ігор, Константінова Вікторія. Німецькі консули в Північному Приазов’ї. – Дніпро: ЛІРА, 2018. – 500 с.: іл., к.).

This book was published thanks to the support rendered by the Consulate General of Germany in Donetsk / Dnipro office.

Organizers and partners of the event:
• the Consulate General of Germany in Donetsk / Dnipro office;
• Berdyansk State Pedagogical University;
• Research Institute of Urban History;
• NGO "Urban Initiatives".

During the presentation, emphasized that in the last few weeks the Sea of Azov has been in the center of the world news because of the actions of Russia, and therefore the relevance of the book became extremely high.

The presentation in Mariupol was attended by the authors, the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Wolfgang Mössinger, the rector of the Mariupol State University, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Cyprus in Mariupol Konstantin Balabanov, the secretary of the Mariupol City Council Stepan Mahsma, students, postgraduates and teachers of the Mariupol State University, employees of the scientific library of the Mariupol State University, employees of the central city library of Mariupol, Mariupol City Historical Library, Mariupol Local History Museum. Participants of the presentation received the books as a gift.

The first presentation of the book "German Consuls in the Northern Azov Region" was held in BSPU on November 2 with the participation of Deputy Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Donetsk / Dnipro office Mr. Peter Schmahl ( )