The III International Congress of the Anthropology of Salt took place in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country, Spain) September 12-15, 2018 (http://www.vallesalado.com/Introduction-and-welcome).
The first Congress of the Anthropology of Salt was held in Iași (Romania) in 2015 (http://ri-urbanhistory.org.ua/en/home/12-news-en/308-first-international-congress-on-the-anthropology-of-salt-ia-i-romania ), the second - in Los Cabos (Mexico) in 2017 (http://ri-urbanhistory.org.ua/en/home/12-news-en/538-drugij-mizhnarodnij-kongres-antropologiji-soli-los-kabos-pivdenna-nizhnya-kaliforniya-meksika-4 ).
Given the interdisciplinary theme, the Congress has attracted the attention of specialists in the fields of anthropology, history, archeology, linguistics, medicine, ecology, biology, geology, geography, etc. The abstracts of all participants were published in the host country prior to the beginning of the Congress (https://www.academia.edu/37448538/Third_International_Congress_on_the_Anthropology_of_Salt_Gesaltza_A%C3%B1ana_Salinas_de_A%C3%B1ana_12-15_September_2018._Book_of_Abstracts ).
Representatives of Spain, Romania, the USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, France, Germany, Portugal, Great Britain, Israel, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Georgia took part in the Congress. The representative of Ukraine, the member of the scientific committee of the Congress Igor Lyman delivered a report written jointly with Victoria Konstantinova "History of Exploitation of Healing Features of Berdyansk Lymans (Salt Lakes)".
One day of the Congress was held in the Salt Valley of Añana, which residents have specialized in salt production for many centuries.
Igor Lyman is grateful to the President of the scientific committee of the Congress Marius Tiberiu Alexianu for co-financing a trip to this forum.