Completion of the project "Training Course on Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020-2021"

1 Completion of the project Training Course on Management of Internationalisation and German Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020 2021


  The project "Training Course on Management of Internationalization and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020-2021" has just been completed. It lasted from the beginning of 2020 and was implemented by Leibniz University Hannover and is financed by DAAD from funds provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The organizer of the project from the University of Hanover is Nataliya Butych.

  Among the representatives of 18 Ukrainian universities selected to participate in the project was the coordinator of international relations of BSPU Igor Lyman.
The three final chords of the project were the Forum "Internationalization of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions 2021: German-Ukrainian Experience", an internship at the Herder Institute in Marburg and participation in EAIE 2021 Community Exchange.
  The forum "Internationalization of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions 2021: German-Ukrainian Experience" was held on September 8-9 on the basis of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. In fact, it was the single face-to-face meeting of the project participants. But German colleagues were present only online - because of the quarantine difficulties. A representative of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University also presented at the Forum online, just in those days being in Budapest at the annual conference of the COST project "Women on the Move".
  In the 20s of September, Igor Lyman was on a short-term internship provided by the project "Management of Internationalization and Academic Cooperation between Germany and Ukraine 2020-2021", which took place at the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe. There was an opportunity to work with the resources of the library, archive, collections of pictorial sources. And, of course, to communicate with German colleagues-historians. On September 23, Igor Lyman from the Herder-Institut held a historical webinar entitled "The Makhnovist Anarchist Social Experiment in the City." It is significant that due to the pandemic, the representative of BSPU became the first official foreign guest of the Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung - Institut der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft in the last year.
  Finally, from September 28 to October 1, the project participants took part in the online conference and exhibition EAIE 2021 Community Exchange - the annual forum of the European Association for International Education. Annual membership in this Association and, accordingly, participation in the EAIE 2021 Community Exchange for Ukrainian participants also was paid by the project "Internationalization Management and Academic Cooperation between Germany and Ukraine 2020-2021." The forum was attended by representatives of more than 2,000 higher education institutions from 70 countries. One of the exhibitions of the forum was dedicated to the project "Internationalization Management and Academic Cooperation between Germany and Ukraine 2020-2021". It was possible to virtually visit 70 hours of panels, access to records of which is maintained for several weeks. And most importantly, it was possible to establish contacts with representatives of foreign institutions. Therefore, following the forum, BSPU is currently negotiating cooperation agreements with 6 foreign universities.


2 Completion of the project Training Course on Management of Internationalisation and German Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020 2021 3 Completion of the project Training Course on Management of Internationalisation and German Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020 2021 








4 Completion of the project Training Course on Management of Internationalisation and German Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020 2021 5 Completion of the project Training Course on Management of Internationalisation and German Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020 2021








6 Completion of the project Training Course on Management of Internationalisation and German Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020 2021