Barcelona’s stage of the double workshop «"Urban Peripheries?" Emerging Cities in Europe’s South and East, 1850-1945»


The first stage of the double workshop «"Urban Peripheries?" Emerging Cities in Europe’s South and East, 1850-1945» took place in Barcelona at the end of September 2016.

Organizers of the workshop: Oliver Hochadel (Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC, Barcelona), Eszter Gantner and Heidi Hein-Kircher (Herder Institute for Historical Research on East-Central Europe, Marburg, Germany).

Participants of the project are researchers from Herder Institute (Germany), Institució Milà i Fontanals (Spain), Central European University (Hungary), Auburn University (USA), University of Zagreb (Croatia), ETH Zürich (Switzerland), Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (Ukraine), College of Charleston (USA), Museu d’Historia de la Medicina de Catalunya (Spain), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Universität Gieẞen (Germany), Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt/O. (Germany), Université de Lyon (France), Institute for Art History (Croatia), University of Nottingham (UK).

The participants of the workshop try and unveil the directions and channels through which knowledge was created and disseminated in interurban networks. As the organizers announced, “The general idea of the double workshop is to develop the individual papers in a continuous process of precirculating, reading, discussing, revising and the same in the second workshop. It will be crucial to develop a common theoretical and historiographical framework that connects the individual case studies. Thus we intend to publish the papers as a book and/or special issue of a journal at the end of the entire process. We conceive of this process as a common endeavor and thus ask you all to contribute with your ideas and suggestions to this ongoing discussion”.

Igor Lyman (Research Institute of Urban History, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University) presented in Barcelona the draft of the article “The Interchange of Modernization Experiences: “Russian” Port Cities on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov”, prepared in collaboration with Victoria Konstantinova.

The second, the final stage of the workshop to be held in Marburg in May 2017.

The workshop was supported by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation.