ASEEES-MAG Summer Convention in Lviv

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June 26-28, 2016 the Ukrainian Catholic University hosted ASEEES-MAG Summer Convention.

The Summer Convention’s theme is “Images of the Other” – construction and definition of the ‘Other’, instrumental use and abuse of the ‘Other’ in politics, cultural and social practices; the role of ethnic, cultural, social and gender stereotypes; representations of the ‘Other’ in memory politics, art, public discourse and media; and scholarship regarding the ‘Other’ as a social construct.

The event was attended by about 500 researchers from several dozen countries (

About 150 panels and round tables took place during three days.

Among others, within ASEEES-MAG Summer Convention the round table "Forty Years of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies: Past, Present, and Future" was organized. The round table was part of a series of events to celebrate the anniversary of one of the most prestigious international scientific institutions focused on research of Ukraine.

Within ASEEES-MAG Summer Convention a general meeting of the International Association for the Humanities was held, which discussed the plans of the organization.

ASEEES-MAG Summer Convention “Images of the Other” was attended by three representatives of the Research Institute of Urban History: Victoria Konstantinova (report “‘Strangers, Our Own, and Others’: Images in ‘Albums of Songs’ of Ukrainian Ostarbeiters”) Igor Lyman (“Confessional History of Southern Ukraine through the Prism of Images of ‘Strangers, Our Own, and Others’”) and Serghiy Bilivnenko (“One Among Strangers, a Stranger among Own: A Habitant of Hetmanshchyna on the Zaporizhzhia Frontier”). For this purpose they received travel grants from the International Association for the Humanities, supported by the Cornegie Corporation of New York and by the International Renaissance Foundation.


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