Про QUAERE на щорічній презентації міжнародної діяльності університету та відзначенні Дня Європи в БДПУ


1 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine

2 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine

3 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine

4 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine

5 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine

6 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine

7 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine8 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine9 About QUAERE at the annual presentation of the University's international activities and the celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine