Gribovskiy Vladislav V.

Was born on 14th of February, 1975 in Kamensk of Nikopol district of Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine.
In 1992 graduated from secondary school in Kamensk.
In 1998 graduated from Zaporizhzhya State University.
Degree: Ph.D. (Candidate of Sciences, History)
The title of candidate dissertation: “The North Black Sea Noghay Hordas in the XVIII – early XIX centuries” (Zaporizhzhya National University, 2006).

Work experience:
1998 – 2001 – teacher of history and law in secondary school (Nikopol district of Dnipropetrovsk region);
September, 2002 – April, 2003 – assistant of Professor of Chair of Historiography and World History of Kherson State University;
2001 – 2007 – the head of internal policy, the head of the sector of internal politics and relations with NGOs and others in Nikopol Regional State Administration of Dnipropetrovsk.
March  – September, 2007 – Associate Professor of Chair of Humanities of Nikopol branch of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management;
September, 2007 – August, 2011 – Executive Director of the NGO “Institute for Social Research” (Dnepropetrovsk).
September, 2011 – Ph.D. Researcher of Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies named after M.S. Grushevskiy of NAS of Ukraine.

Scientific and social activities:
From October 2002 – director of Nikopol regional branch of the Research Institute of the Cossacks at the Institute of History of Ukraine of NAS of Ukraine and editor of the anthology – “Cossack’s heritage”.
Organizer of 12 National and International Scientific Conferences.
Author of more than 100 publicistic and scientific publications.
From 2012 – editor of historical-cultural anthology “Frontiers of city” about Urban problems.
Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
Member of the National Union of ethnographers of Ukraine.
Member of Scientific Society named after Yakov Novytskiy.

Married. Wife – Gribovskaya Victoria P. (30.07.1982).
Children: Gribovsky Rostislav V. (27.06.2005).

Tel.: Mob. 8 (096) 1250825.



1.    Cossack’s Burning Bush. To the 350th anniversary of Chortomlyk Zaporizhzhya Sich. 1652-2002 years: popular scientific essays. – Nikopol: MC “Southern Star”, 2002. – 26 p.


2.    Ataman Petro Kalnyshevskiy. Monograph – Dnepropetrovsk: Porogi, 2004. – 130 p.


3.    Ivan Sirko in historical heritage of Nikopol Region (to the 400th anniversary of the birth of Chortomlyk Zaporizhzhya Sich ataman I.D. Sirko). – Nikopol: TRC “Southern Star”, 2005. – 36 p.


4.    Village Mykytyn and Mykytyn moved: Cossack prehistory of Nikopol // History and Culture of the Dnieper. Unknown and less known pages: Scientific Bulletin. – Dnepropetrovsk: National Mining University, 2006. – Vol. 3. – P. 93-104.


5.    Petro Kalnyshevskiy / Series: About Ukraine with pride and humor. Atamans. – Kyiv, 2007. – 72 p.


6.    Village Mykytyn and Mykytyn moved: Cossack prehistory of Nikopol // The dating of the city as the problem of urban history: European and Ukrainian Experience: Materials of the round table (Kyiv, September 24, 2008) / Under edit. V. Panchenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: Gerda, 2008. – P. 34–42.
7.    Cossacks in Kuban / Series: About Ukraine with pride and humor. Our land. – Kyiv, 2008. – 64 p.


8.     Peyssonel Sh., de. Note about Little Tartary / Trans. from Franch by V. Lotoshnykova; introduction, notes and comments by V. Gribovskiy. – Dnepropetrovsk: Gerd, 2009. – 80 p.
9.    Peter Kalnyshevskiy and His Epoch: Collection of documents and materials / V.V. Gribovsky. – K., 2009. - 432 p. (co-authored V.I .Milchev and I.L. Sinyak)


10.    Budzhak in the system of political administration of the Crimean Khanate in 1739-1769 // Humanitarian journal. – Dnepropetrovsk: NGU, 2010. – №. 3-4. – P. 39–45.
11.    Frontier elites and problem of stabilization of borders of the Russian and Ottoman empires in the first third of the XVIII century: Activity of Kuban serasker Bakht-Giray // Ukraine in Central and Eastern Europe. – Vol. 9–10. – Kyiv: Institute of History of Ukraine of NAS of Ukraine, 2010. – P. 193–226 (in collaboration with D. Senem).
12.    Review of edition: Materials from the history of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University / V.M. Konstantinova, I.I. Lyman. – Vol. 1–3. – K.: Osvita Ukrainy, 2006 – 2008 / V. Gribovskiy // Museum Bulletin. – № 10. – Zaporizhzhya: AA Tandem, 2010. – P. 247 – 251.
13.    History of Nikopol at the crossroads historiographical traditions // Pridneprovya: historical and ethnographic researches: Collection of scientific works / Editorial board S.I. Svitlenko and others. – Vol. 8. – Dnepropetrovsk: Pub. of DNU, 2010. – P. 77-95.


14.    Familiar stranger – Dnepropetrovsk [Review of edition: Lazebnik V.I. Unknown Katerynoslav Region. Scientific and Methodical edition. – Dnepropetrovsk: Dnіprokniga, 2012. – 448. with illustrations.] (co-authored with V.S. Starostin) // Frontiers of city: historical-cultural anthology / Ed. V.V. Gribovskiy. – Dnepropetrovsk: Gerda, 2012. – P. 267–271.
15.    Archimandrite Leontiy (Luka Yatsenko-Zelenskiy). Trips to Zaporizhzhya Sich in 1749 – 1750 and 1751 / V. Gribovsky, V. Milchev. – K., 2012. – 100 p.