Open Seminar of Erasmus+ QUAERE Project in MES

On September, 27, 2018 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine hosted an open seminar on the development of the system of quality assurance in higher education in Ukraine. The seminar was organized within realization of the EU grant project "The Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development Based on European Standards and Recommendations" (QUAERE) ( ), a consortium member of which is BSPU. Representatives of more than 70 institutions of higher education in Ukraine gathered for this meeting.

Igor Lyman and Olha Shubina took part in the seminar from BSPU.

The reports were presented at the seminar by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Yuriy Rashkevich, First Vice-President of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, National Expert on Higher Education Reforms Volodymyr Lugovy, members of the consortium of the QUAERE project.
Igor Lyman, coordinator of BSPU command of QUAERE project, delivered the report “The role of experts in accreditation process. Qualification profile of expert”.

The seminar in MES became part of the final meeting of QUAERE project which was held in Kyiv on September 26-28.
















