4 9th SIMEM in Puebla (Mexico)

The 9th International Multidisciplinary Symposium of Memory Studies (SIMEM) was held on November 11-12, 2021 in Mexico. "Pensar el pasado para imaginar el futuro" ("Think the Past to Imagine the Future") is the theme of SIMEM in this year.

Traditionally Research Institute of Urban History and Berdyansk State Pedagogical University are co-organizers of SIMEM from Ukraine.

Igor Lyman with Berdyansk delegation in Genova had a congratulations speech on the so-called inaugural introductory part, and a half-hour report "Studying and Popularisation of Memory about Women Migration: COST Action “Women on the Move”" on the first panel of the Symposium. 

Records of all panels of the 9th SIMEM will soon be posted on the website of Research Institute of Urban History.

1 9th SIMEM in Puebla (Mexico)2 9th SIMEM in Puebla (Mexico)3 9th SIMEM in Puebla (Mexico)